Support and Enhancement of OSHA compliance tool for medical and dental practices


The US OSHA Act covers most private sector employers and their workers and some public-sector employers and workers in all the 50 states and certain territories and jurisdictions under federal authority. Compliance Safety and Health Officers carry out inspections and assess fines for regulatory violations. All employers need to ensure compliance with OSHA standards and provide compliance records to the inspectors as part of the periodic audits conducted by OSHA.

Identifying and defining tasks that employers need to complete at set frequencies along with providing an environment for employees to report incidents is key to maintaining compliance records.

This is a cumbersome process and needs diligence from employers and employees in maintaining workplace safety and compliance with applicable OSHA standards.

Our partner had developed a proof of concept for an application which helped medical practices ensure OSHA compliance. The proof of concept helped our partner to present it and gain validation from medical practices that the final app would be of help and add value while ensuring OSHA compliance. The partner wanted a reliable team which would build a product ready application.

Zogato Solution

We started off by building a product backlog of all the features our partner wished the final product would have. Once the backlog was ready looking at the features we identified the tech stack options which could be used to build the app. After discussion with our partner on the current requirements and future product roadmap and internal deliberations we finalized a tech stack that would best suit the product. While the tech team at Zogato was busy deciding the tech stack our management team was understanding feature priorities from our partner and grooming them.

As we were taking an agile approach we added the groomed user stories to our sprint and continued the development. We set up a code repository and defined the correct branching structure. We also set up a dev ops pipeline which ensured that once code is pushed to the repository, sanity checks are performed, automated test cases are executed and the code is automatically deployed to the appropriate environment. The code automatically progressed through dev, QA, UAT and production in each sprint.

Along with dev ops and other processes we also ensured all the necessary security mechanisms are built into the application and the infrastructure.

We ensured that an incremental usable version of the product was available at the end of each sprint. This enabled our partner to put this in front of potential clients and investors thus increasing their confidence in the application and the team. With incremental features being rolled out at the end of each sprint some early feedback from potential clients helped align the app features more precisely to real life expectations from the app.

After the first few customers were onboarded we continued to support the application ensuring that it was always up, the infra was used optimally and any regular infra related maintenance activities were performed.

  • Our partner got a product ready app at the end of each sprint
  • Scalable cloud infra, security and dev ops were in place from day 1
  • Active support helped gain the confidence of users
  • Our partner could focus on the sales and strategic goals as tech operations were managed by Zogato
Tools and Technologies
  • Flutter
  • ReactJS
  • NodeJS, MongoDB
  • RESTful APIs
  • AWS-based cloud deployment